
Ultime album du groupe, qui perd pour l'occasion la moitié de son nom. Le Oingo disparaît et cette réduction de patronyme n'est pas gratuite, loin de là. Le son Oingo Boingo change assez considérablement et ce testament en studio est peut-être le chef-d'oeuvre du groupe, en tout cas c'est l'album qui a (logiquement) le moins vieilli. Certes l'esprit Oingo Boingo est à son apogée dans Good For Your Soul ou dans Dead Man's Party et en fait Boingo est plutôt une dernière tentative de "moderniser" le groupe. Pour tout dire on sent qu'Elfman a prévu la fin et Boingo est vraiment une œuvre d'achèvement, un dernier tour de piste avant l'extinction des feux. Ceci sera d'ailleurs encore plus clairement démontré dans l'anthologique Farewell, le live d'adieu. La musique d'Oingo Boingo n'a jamais autant ressemblé à du Queen et surtout Elfman n'a jamais autant payé sa dette envers les Beatles. Non seulement il se permet une reprise efficace mais très classique de I Am The Walrus, mais un morceau comme Change regorge d'hommages, de clins d'oeil aux Fab Four, de la bande à l'envers aux chœurs en passant par les bruits de conversations, Boingo déborde de Beatles mania. Change ressemble parfois à s'y méprendre à A Day In The Life.
Dans sa grande majorité ce long album présente un (Oingo) Boingo au sommet de son art. Plus sombre, définitivement entré dans les années 90, Elfman délivre quelques textes splendides. Boingo comme je l'ai dit est un album long et les chansons s'épanchent sur des durées encore plus grandiloquentes que sur les précédents albums du groupe. Insanity débute à près de 8 minutes, Hey n'en est pas loin, Mary poursuit à 6 minutes 30, Pedestrian Wolves affiche 9 minutes 20 et Change, l'ultime chanson de l'album et du groupe culmine à 16 minutes bien remplies. Des morceaux particulièrement longs donc, pour un groupe qui avait commencé par des chansons dépassant rarement 5 minutes, mais cette durée est très bien exploitée et finalement on ne s'ennuie pas du tout à l'écoute de Boingo.
Sur Insanity, Elfman montre véritablement pour la première fois au sein d'Oingo Boingo ses talents de compositeur pour orchestre symphonique, l'intro de la chanson (qui demeure en fond sonore au fil de l'évolution de cette dernière) ressemble à un croisement entre la BO de Darkman et de celle de Batman. Cet ample mouvement orchestral apporte une emphase et un souffle ténébreux qui transcendent Insanity. Le refrain est entonné par un chœur enfantin d'une grande efficacité et l'ensemble est une réussite mélodique qui tranche avec le Oingo Boingo des années 80. Les synthés et les cuivres étant renvoyés aux oubliettes.
Hey ! débute de manière classique, Elfman chante avec nuances, la batterie se fait un peu plus discrète que d'habitude et le refrain revêt une agressivité inhabituelle pour le groupe, la guitare de Bartek n'a jamais été aussi présente, et tout au long de l'album c'est clairement Bartek qui se taille la part du lion avec des solos fabuleux. Les breaks sont très beatlesiens (et par extension très queeniens) et Hey ! poursuit la forte impression d'Insanity, avec sa lente progression agressive et déstructurée. Comme l'annonçait la superbe pochette de l'album, c'est un Boingo au sommet de ses ténèbres, au sommet de son "sérieux", au sommet de son art que l'on retrouve ici.
Mary est une longue balade aux indéniables accents queeniens, Elfman chante divinement bien, l'intro offre une magnifique montée de cordes, ces mêmes cordes qui soutiennent tout le morceau avec finesse, la guitare acoustique est discrète et efficace, même la section rythmique n'en fait pas des tonnes. Mary est une perle. Bartek se permet quelques solos de rock épique mais juste assez décalés pour rester dans l'esprit Boingo. Sachant ménager les points culminant (guitare électrique, batterie, orchestre) et reprendre en douceur (voix, guitare acoustique), Elfman délivre avec Mary l'une de ses meilleurs compositions pour le groupe.
Can't See (Useless) commence aussi en demi-teinte, la voix de Elfman trouve des nuances hallucinantes, elle semble inépuisable et pour les fans de l'organe vocal du grand Danny, cette chanson est un Bonheur de tous les instants. De nouveau la section rythmique se fait discrète, les cuivres brillent toujours par leur absence, des cordes utilisées avec génie enveloppent Can't See avec chaleur et la guitare de Bartek se place en avant (juste derrière la voix qui est comme toujours le moteur principal de la chanson). Une nouvelle fois le morceau s'articule sur une montée très progressive et d'une rare beauté, qui culmine sur un final divin.
Pedestrian Wolves retrouve avec un son plus moderne les échos des anciens Oingo Boingo (Dead Man's Party et surtout Dark At The End Of The Tunnel). Chanson déstructurée, martelée par la batterie, par la guitare de Bartek et même par Elfman et les chœurs du groupe. Très nettement le son Boingo s'est fait plus dur, plus agressif, ce n'est plus le son léger et primesautier de Good For Your Soul. Et si Pedestrian Wolves est une chanson déjantée ce n'est pas par l'utilisation de cuivres épileptique ou de synthés rigolos. Certes la chanson est peut-être un poil trop longue (9 minutes 20 quand même) mais là encore c'est la performance vocale d'Elfman qui sauve le tout. Pedestrian Wolves frappe fort c'est clair, dans tous les sens du terme (en particulier avec ce "BOUM" régulier, qui fait vibrer les baffles, en fond sonore).
Lost Like This est une chanson plus fine, même si un terrible riff de guitare lamine ses couplets. Le refrain est aussi simple que beau et encore une fois les cordes discrètes enrichisse de manière indéniable le son du groupe. Mais à l'écoute de ce morceau les fans d'Only A Lad ou de Nothing To Fear pourront se poser des questions, face à ce côté adulte, face à ces riffs tout droit sorti d'un Queen fin des 80's. Oingo Boingo s'achète une crédibilité avec talent.
Spider poursuit ce son résolument ancré dans son époque. Les paroles et la voix d'Elfman font comme toujours la moitié du travail (si ce n'est plus). Le beau riff de guitare se situe quelque part entre REM et Cure. On admire toujours la finesse et surtout la richesse de la composition. Boingo ne déroge pas à la règle, c'est à la longue que l'on apprend à adorer ces chansons merveilleusement écrites, produites, interprétées.
War Again est un magnifique morceau très rock FM où Bartek se paye le luxe de riffs anthologiques. Texte et musique décapent en chœur. Et le refrain trouve un souffle qui balaye tout sur son passage. Il reste la légèreté de la voix d'Elfman et ce décalage si burtonien propre au groupe, mais clairement Oingo Boingo a changé de terrain d'attaque. On parlera sans problème d'album "mature" et c'est à peu près cela que l'on ressent à l'écoute d'une réussite du niveau de War Again.
La reprise de I Am The Walrus s'avère extrêmement respectueuse. Mais elle est sans problème largement plus enthousiasmante et réussie que celle qu'en a fait Oasis. Quitte à s'inspirer des Beatles, Elfman est largement plus intelligent, fin et talentueux que les frères Gallagher (et je ne parle même pas des talents de chanteur parce que là c'est le jour et la nuit). Cette reprise est donc avant tout un clin d'oeil explicite à la principale influence d'Elfman et aussi un gros plaisir que s'offre le groupe pour finir sa carrière en beauté (en écho à la reprise de You Really Got Me sur Only A Lad). Bon, que dire d'autre ? Ben la chanson est géniale mais ça on le savait déjà, Elfman a l'air de beaucoup s'amuser à imiter ses idoles, c'est dynamique et amusant, impeccable.
Tender Lumplings est le plus court morceau de toute la carrière du groupe (44 secondes) et il est placé juste avant la plus longue chanson du groupe. C'est un interlude grinçant (que ce soit au niveau du son que des paroles) et réjouissant. Cerise sur la pièce montée, totalement indispensable donc.
Change est donc le dernier morceau officiel d'Oingo Boingo qui conclut ainsi 14 ans de carrière discographique. Avec panache ! Et c'est d'ailleurs une excellente chose qu'un ultime (double) live soit venu parachever cet adieu si impressionnant. Change commence comme une excellente chanson très classique mais mélodiquemment exceptionnelle. Puis elle se perd en méandres, en breaks, en reprises, en sous-chansonnettes. Tout cela fait clairement penser au Beatles. A un moment on entend le riff de Tomorrow Never Knows, après ce sont les choeurs de A Day In The Life, les harmonies de She's Leaving Home. Les 16 minutes passent comme un éclair, on en redemande ! C'est un final en forme d'apothéose qui montre un Elfman au plus haut niveau de son talent de composition.
En clair, Boingo restera peut-être pour la postérité, à la fois l'ultime effort d'Oingo Boingo mais aussi son Chef-d'Oeuvre. La perfection du sens mélodique de Danny Elfman, qui s'offre un son plus "adulte" sans pour autant oublier le délire et les clins d'oeil. Placé sous le signe des Beatles, Boingo est un disque qui ne fait pas affront à Sergent Pepper ou à Revolver. Certes Elfman ne fait que suivre mais il le fait avec un talent prodigieux. Bonheur d'arrangements orchestraux de toute beauté, force de la guitare de Bartek et de la rythmique plus nuancé de mister "Vatos", fabuleux travail de production mené conjointement par Elfman, Bartek et Avila, plaisir de textes à la verve inchangée, chansons riches et fascinantes qui se dévoilent à chaque nouvelle écoute. Boingo est un pur indispensable. Bien sûr on pourra en conclure que c'est extrêmement dommage que le groupe se soit séparé après cette réussite manifeste et très prometteuse pour l'avenir. Mais Elfman poursuit avec le brio que l'on sait sa carrière de compositeur pour le 7e art et il ne faut pas désespérer d'une reformation. On sent bien à l'écoute des exploits vocaux qui parsèment Change que Danny Elfman ne pourra pas toujours rester "muet".
1- Insanity
2- Hey !
3- Mary
4- Can't See (Useless)
5- Pedestrian Wolves
6- Lost Like This
7- Spider
8- War Again
9- I Am The Walrus
10- Tender Lumplings
11- Change
12- Helpless
I'm so sorry, please forgive me
Who do I pray to to straighten out this problem?
Straighten out this problem, straighten out my mind.
Straighten out this crooked toungue...
My mind has wandered, from the straight and narrow.
My mind has wandered from the flock you see.
My mind has wandered, the man just said so.
My mind has wandered, I heard it on TV.
And the flock has wandered away from me.
All around the world now
Like a big bright cherry cloud
Traveling from home to home
TV sets and telephones
Here it comes just like a storm
Bathe in it and be reborn
Time to let the world know
Welcome madness, say hello
Like a wave we cannot see
Washing over you and me
Hiding here and hiding there
Madness hiding everywhere
Such a curiosity
Here it comes to set us free
Plenty left for you and me
Say hello insanity
I am the virus, are you the cure?
I am morally, I'm morally impure
I am a disease and I am unclean
I am not part of God's well oiled machine
Christian nation, assimilate me
Take me in your arms and set me free
I am part of a degenerate elite
Dragging our society into the streeet
Into the abyss and to the sewer don't you see
The man just told me, he told me on TV
Do you think you're better than me
Do you want to kill me or befriend me
And the alchoholic bastard waved his finger at me
His voice was filled with evanglical glee
Sipping down his gin and tonics
While preaching about the evils of narcotics
And the evils of sex, and the wages of sin
While he mental fondles his next of kin
My mind has wandered from the flock you see
And the flock has wandered away from me
And he waved his hypnotizing finger at me
Let's imitate reality
Let's strive for mediocrity
Let's make believe we're all the same
Let's sanitize our little brains
I'd love to take you home with me and tuck you into bed
I'd love to see what makes you tick inside your pretty head
I'd love to hear you laugh tonight, I'd love to hear you weep
I'd love to listen to you while you're screaming in your sleep
Christian sons, christian daughters
Lead me along like a lamb to the slaughter
Purify my brain and hose down my soul
White perfection, perfection is my goal
Do you think you're better than me
Do you want to kill me or befriend me
Christian nation, make us alright
Put us through the filter and make us pure and white
My mind has wandered from the flock you see
And the flock has wandered away from me
Let's talk of family falues while we sit and watch the slaughter
Hypothetical abortions on imaginary daughters
The white folks think they're on the top ask any proud white male
A million years of evolution, we get Danny Quayle
I'd love to take you home with me, I'd love to tuck you in
I wish I could protect you from the wages of our sin
I'd love to hear you scream tonight, I'd love to hear you cry
Protect you from the madness that is raining from the sky
I'd love to take you home with me and tuck you into bed
I'd love to see what makes you tick inside your pretty head
I wish that I could keep you in a precious Chinese box
On Sundays I would pray for you so it would never stop
I'd love to hear you laugh tonight, I'd love to hear you weep
I'd love to listen to you while you're screaming in your sleep
I'd love to soothe you with my voice and take your hand in mine
I'd love to take you past the stars and out of reach of time
I'd love to see inside your mind, to tear it all apart
To cut you open with a knife and find your sacred heart
I'd love to take your satin dolls and tear them all to shreds
I'd love to mess your pretty hair, I'd love to see you dead.
Hey, I've got a commentary without much to say
You know those damn kids drive me crazy every day
But all I ever think is something to complain...
And I wish that they would all just go away
'Cause all I really want is to be just like them
Just wanna be just like them...
Just wanna be just like them...
Just wanna be them.
Hey, I've got a commentary without much to say
If you forgive me I'll be getting on my way
And I forgot the whole damn point of this whole song
And I'm complaining now, complaining for so long...
For so long...
For so long...
I really want all those things that I can't have
All I really want is to have you so bad.
Hey, Those stupid kids have really gotten out of hand
And now I think it's time we all take up a stand
And then together we will raise our voices high...
Our voices high...
Our voices high.
Hey, though at this moment I can't think of what we'd say
I guess we really want to be just like them...
Just want to be just like them...
Just want to be just like them.
Hey, I've really thought a thousand times about this day
I've been expecting it in each and every way
The possibilities preoccupy my mind
And I'm so fortunate to be so very kind...
So very kind...
So very kind.
What I really want is all those things that I can't have
What I really want is to have you so bad
I'm so jealous I can barely see straight from my head
And it burns from the inside 'til I wish I was dead.
Please, mama don't be angry with me.
Please, papa don't be angry with me.
And I'm so sick and tired of all those stupid things you say
And this monkey sitting on my back won't go away
And I'm standing here with my dick in my hand
Waiting for an invitation to the promised land.
Please, mother don't be angry with me.
Please, father don't be angry with me.
Hey, I've got a commentary without much to say
And all those damn kids drive me crazy every day
But all I ever think is something to complain...
To complain...
To complain.
Hey, I really wish that they would all just go away
'Cause all I really want to be just like them
Just wanna be just like them...
And I'm so sick and tired of all those stupid things you say
And this monkey sitting on my back just won't go away
And I'm standing here with my dick in my hand
Waiting for an invitation to the promised land.
Please, mother don't be angry with me.
Oh Mary wasn't happy with the life that she led
She was a simple girl without much to say
So one day she just upped and left her dreary home
And she left all her friends behind to wander all alone
And at first she was afraid, she was so far away
From her home but slowly she got to like it anyway
Oh Mary won't you please come...
Well in time she found that
The mountain that she had been taught
Her whole life, that she must avoid
And though at first it hurt, and no one could comfort her
She finally came to appreciate it
And she like it, she like it - oh wasn't she surprised
And though still alone, she grew so much inside
Oh Mary won't you please come...
And after a time, she became so sublime
She could look in peoples eyes and read their minds
Though her hands would sometimes bleed and occasionally
She would long for her past and the memories they bring
She decided to return to her old home town
And her heart was burning with all the things she found
Oh Mary won't you please come...
So, Mary came back and at first no one recognized her face
And her friends were all a little bit afraid
When they heard what she had to say
They all slowly backed away
And her family took her aside and put their arms around her
They said Mary won't you please come back to us now
There is still time to repent for all your sins
And Mary started to cry when she realized
That she'd never come home again in her life
Oh Mary won't you please come
Mary won't you please come home...
Can't See (Useless)
We were both cast forth from the same pale hand
And we both moved freely in the shadowlands
And we both were sculpted by the same cold wind
And we both had armor that was made of tin
And I tried to find you, but it's useless
And I tried to speak, but it was useless
And I felt so bad and I didn't know why
And it didn't get better as time went by
I was there for you, but you turned away
And I tried to find you, but you turned away
And I tried to find you, but it's useless
And I tried to speak, but was useless
And I tried to find you, but it's useless
And you're so close, but I can't see you
And you're right there, but I can't see you
And I feel so dumb and I didn't know what to do
You were right there but I can't see you
And I realize that it's useless
And I want to fight, but it's useless
And I know you're there, but it's useless
And you're everywhere, but it's useless
And I tried to say it, but my tongue got tied
And I tried to say it, but I was numb inside
And I can't see you anymore
And my peace of mind has gone through the door
And I realize that it's useless
And I thought I was right, but it was useless
And I know you're there, but it's useless
And you're everywhere, but it's useless
And I can't see now in front of my nose
And I know you're there, and I know you're close
And you're fading away - now you disappear
And I try to focus, but I can't see clear
And I don't know why I feel this way
And I can't control myself anyway
And I don't know why I feel this way
And I can't control myself anyway
And I feel so bad, but it's useless
And I feel so bad, but it's useless
And I feel so bad, but it's useless
And I can't see... now in front of my face.
Pedestrian Wolves
Raised by pedestrian wolves, out in the forest
Raised by pedestrian wolves, out in the forest
I was left to fend for myself
I was left in a basket, just like baby Moses
To float down that muddy river
Protected by the stupid little fairies
I floated for nine days and nights
I floated for nine days and nights
'Till I came to the city
Bright lights and all the fine ladies
Come on out all you bright fine ladies
I like you just like you are,
and I love you, kind of,
Just like you are, and I love you
Like a sticky piece of cotton candy
in this bright red cotton candy, candy world
I'm so excited , about the prospects of meeting with a
Stranger in an alley, I'm so excited. I hope they're rough, I hope their
skin is Tough like Spanish leather
Can't wait until their dull, dead eyes meet mine
I can't wait until their dull, dead eyes meet mine
Raised by pedestrian wolves, out in the forest
Raised by suburban lions, out in the jungle
We really like to run in packs- and I like that
When we hunt, we all function with one mind
Our collective predications are as sharp as the
Razor in my pocket, and as dull as the ice
Melting slowly in my glass
My only love is the love of oblivion, in a dark room
With as couple of pedestrian wolves
So artfully backlit by a solitary candle
I take my pleasure in soft red clouds of desire
So funky in this unwashed bed for one with the soft red dreams of
I'm so excited 'cause soon I'll hit the streets
I am the crown prince of pavement, I'm so excited
Under the sheltering skin
Stretched out so pale and thin
There is an ocean of bright red liquid love
And that, my friend, is my favorite color
Raised by pedestrian wolves out in the forest
And I take my pleasure on a soft red cloud
And I take my pleasure in the monkey's bed
And the wolves still howl and the light still glowing red
And I take my pleasure in a blue steel cage
And I take my pleasure through the monkey's eye
And the wolves all howl while the world around me dies
I'm so excited , about the prospects of meeting with a stranger
In an alley, I'm so excited. I hope they're rough, I hope their skin is tough
Like Spanish leather
Raised by pedestrian wolves out in the forest
Raised by pedestrian wolves - out in the forest
I was left to fend for myself
I was left in as basket - just like baby Moses
To float down that Muddy River
Protected by all those stupid little fairies
I floated for nine days and nights 'til I came to the city
Bright lights and all the fine ladies
Come on out all you bright, fine ladies
I like you just like you are, and I love you, kind of,
Just like you are in this bright red cotton candy, candy world
Raised by pedestrian wolves...
Lost Like This
I'm standing all alone out in the pouring rain
And though it really isn't like me to complain
I think I'm getting used to it. I feel happy, and I also feel bad
I've never been here, but somehow I think I have
But I'm getting used to it.
I've never been lost like this
I've never been lost like this
But I wouldn't be happy anywhere else
Nobody to tell us what to do - all by ourselves.
Don't know how I got here and I don't know why I stay
The poets all around are laughing in their graves
Must be something that I said.
This place is not like anything I've seen before
The spirits move around, the houses have no doors
But I'm getting used to it
Isn't this a fine hello I wish I hadn't seen you go
It's always a bitter pill The broken mirror's broken still
The letters never made the post, A thousand more I never wrote
And here on dark unfriendly streets, I find the comfort that I seek
And I'm happy, and I've been happy...
(Chorus out...)
Spider crawling, on the wall
I see him and he, sees it all...
And he sees it all
I fell down in that lazy place,
Where the English language can't - penetrate and I
Saw your mouth moving - just forget it and lie here with me
Maybe we should just, climb under the sheets
Where the words they don't get in the way
We were wondering, if you recall
Is this the end of it - end of everything
We were wondering, wonder
Spider crawling - in my left ear
Has a message I - want you to hear
Hope you're happy - found what you're looking for
Do you miss me, miss me at all?
Spider tells me, saw you yesterday
With somebody new - what can I say?
What can I...
Spider crawling, I crawl with him -
We go everywhere, we see everything
We are falling, we are falling, falling to nowhere
Hope you're happy - found what you're looking for
Do you miss me, miss me at all?
Spider crawling, spider crawling, spider crawling...
War Again
Don't you know we got smart bombs, it's a good thing that our bombs are clever.
Don't you know that the smart bombs are so clever, they only kill bad people.
Don't you know though our kids are dumb, we got smart bombs, what a joyous thing.
Here we go so let's drink a toast, to those clever bombs, and the men who built them.
There they go now, there go all my friends
There they go now, marching off to war again
With their bright flags waving in the wind
There they go now, marching off to war again
Smiling proudly, with their heads in the clouds.
Don't you know this is better than any video friend. It's an action movie.
Here we go watch the bad guys get their butts kicked. Really makes me feel good. Here we go watching CNN, the adrenaline rushes through my veins.
Don't you know it's a feel good show, electronic bliss. It's a video, video...
Aren't you glad we got smart bombs, it's a damn good thing our bombs are clever
It's a shame that our kids are dumb, but our bombs are smart, what a lucky thing now
Don't you know it's a feel good show and it's suitable for the whole darn family
Come on out everybody shout, give a big salute to our ingenuity
Don't you know this is better than, any video friend, it's an action movie...
Here we go, watch the bad guys get their butts kicked, and it makes me feel good.
Don't you know it's Nintendo, really gets the blood flowing thru my veins now
Don't you know it's a feel-good show, electronic bliss, it's a video, video
I Am The Walrus
(From Beatles version)
I am he as you are he as you are me and we are all together.
See how they run like pigs from a gun, see how they fly.
I'm crying.
Sitting on a cornflake, waiting for the van to come.
Corporation tee-shirt, stupid bloody Tuesday.
Man, you been a naughty boy, you let your face grow long.
I am the eggman, they are the eggmen.
I am the walrus, goo goo g'joob.
Mister City Policeman sitting
Pretty little policemen in a row.
See how they fly like Lucy in the Sky, see how they run.
I'm crying, I'm crying.
I'm crying, I'm crying.
Yellow matter custard, dripping from a dead dog's eye.
Crabalocker fishwife, pornographic priestess,
Boy, you been a naughty girl you let your knickers down.
I am the eggman, they are the eggmen.
I am the walrus, goo goo g'joob.
Sitting in an English garden waiting for the sun.
If the sun don't come, you get a tan
From standing in the English rain.
I am the eggman, they are the eggmen.
I am the walrus, goo goo g'joob g'goo goo g'joob.
Expert textpert choking smokers,
Don't you thing the joker laughs at you?
See how they smile like pigs in a sty,
See how they snied.
I'm crying.
Semolina pilchard, climbing up the Eiffel Tower.
Elementary penguin singing Hari Krishna.
Man, you should have seen them kicking Edgar Alan Poe.
I am the eggman, they are the eggmen.
I am the walrus, goo goo g'joob g'goo goo g'joob.
Goo goo g'joob g'goo goo g'joob g'goo.
Tender Lumplings
Oh listen Tender Lumplings let me take you by the hands.
I'll take you from this hell-hole to the Promised Land.
But don't blame me, oh children, if those promises don't keep.
'Cause promises like lives, can be bought so very cheap.
Don't you ever wonder why, nothing ever seems to change
If it does it's for the worse, seems it's just a modern curse
Sometimes when I take a peek outside of my little cage,
Everyone looks so asleep, will they die before they wake
And, hey. . . Don't you know? We're just products of our time and Hey . . .
What d'ya say? Show me yours, I'll show you mine
Better dumb and happy than smart and without any friends
Better cute and better loud, better join up with the crowd
Keep up or be left behind, there's a dust storm in my mind
Seems I can't see straight these days, doesn't matter anyway
Hey . . . Don't you know? We're just products of our times and
Hey, what d'ya say? Show me yours, I'll show you mine
Hey, what d'ya say? Hey, what d'ya say? Please don't ever -
Oh God, here's that question now. The one that makes me go insane
I'd gladly tear my heart out if you never, never, never, never change
Do you want to change? Do you want to change right now?
Do you want to change . . . I like my stupid life, just the way it is
And I wouldn't even change it for a thousand flying pigs
And I like you just the way you are, I like your face just the way it is
And I wouldn't even change it for a herd of screaming kids
And I like you just the way you are, I like you though you may not like
me back
I would dazzle you with brilliance, if I only had the knack
'Cause I like you just the way you are, I like this life just the way it is
And the castles all around me, have been melting now for years
And it kills my brain to think of all the time I wasted here
All the efforts, sweat, and broken hearts, the screaming and the tears
And I'm dreaming again . . . Floating in a pool of mud
Try to get back where I was and I don't really care
Got a little talking to, by the mirror in my room, and I don't really care . . .
Whispering voices from the dead, come from underneath my bed
And I don't really care . . .
I like my stupid life just the way it is
And the chaos that surrounds me like a flock of screaming pigs
And it hurts my brain to think of all the stupid things I've said
And if I could change the future I would change the past instead
And I'm dreaming again . . . and I'm dreaming again . . .
Baby - sometimes I worry about you
Sometimes you're so far away, tell me what to do
I say, Baby . . . sometimes I worry about you
Sometimes I just can't believe everything you do
I say, Baby . . . sometimes I worry about you
Every day I feel the same, don't you feel it too
I say, Baby . . . sometimes I worry about me
Seems I'm falling down a lot, in between the scenes
I say, Baby . . . sometimes I worry about me
Getting harder all the time, harder now to see
I say, Baby . . . sometimes I worry about me
Light another cigarette, have another dream
It's the same thing every day, nothing ever seems to change and I . . .
Do you really want to change?
Testaments and growing pains. Tranquilizers for the soul.
Nothing ventured, nothing gained - evolution's cruelest joke
Why is everyone upset? I once knew but I forget. Something happened,
Something strange, something it appears has changed
Hey . . . Don't you know? We're just products of our times
And hey, what d'ya say? Show me yours, I'll show you mine
Hey, what d'ya say? Hey, what d'ya say? Please don't ever -
Oh God, here's that question now, the one that makes me go insane
I'd gladly tear my heart out if you never, never, never, never change
Countless long nights
While I stare at the wall
I ask myself over again...
How did I end up
In this little hell?
How - did it ever begin?
Oh, oh, oh oh oh helpess
Helpless to turn back the clock
That ticks on
With its cruel shiny face
It laughs while it watches
My every disgrace - I was
Born a sap - all the
Nurses laughed when they
Saw me the first time
They giggled and they said
"This poor little monster'd be
Better off dead."
Oh, oh, oh oh oh helpess
Helplessly trapped in a body
I'm sure -
Should have never been mine.
I bet that my real one's
Doing just fine - and I
Don't belong here, I
Don't belong here - I
Should be quite rich
With a big shiny car
A house with twelve rooms
I deserve to go far.
Oh, oh, oh oh oh helpess
Helplessly falling in love
But does love
Really last through the night?
To love - To honor -
To kick and to bite! and I
Don't belong here, I
Don't belong here
It's all a mistake
I was destined for greatness
A leader, a prophet -
They're just too blind to notice.
Where did this whole silly story begin?
It seems that my mind has gone -
I think that I've messed up a chapter or two.
Perhaps it is best if I'm frank!
Oh, oh, oh oh oh helpess -
Helplessly lost like that
poor chap who came
For an innocent dance.
He left with his brain smeared
All over his pants! cause he
Didn't belong here, he
Didn't belong here
He never should've left
That warm cage in a zoo!
His face was so ugly
What else could I do?
Can you - really blame me, I
Had to smash it.
He left me no choice,
he was just like the others.
I just had to kill him.
With my poor, dear, old
Oh, oh, oh oh oh helpess
Helplessly fucked in the ass
By a legion of forty ex-cons
That's what it feels like
When you walk all over me.
Don't belong here, I
Don't belong here
Your eyes burn right through me.
They fill me with fear.
I could've been at home
Watching football, and drinking beer.
Oh, oh, oh oh oh helpess, so Helpless.
Album Produced by Danny Elfman, Steve Bartek, and John Avila
Danny Elfman: Vocals Guitars
Steve Bartek: Lead Guitars
John Avila: Bass, Vocals
Johhny "Vatos" Hernandez: Drums Percussion
Warren Fitzgerald: Guitars
Sam Phipps: Tenor and Soprano Saxophones
Leon Schneiderman: Baritone Sax
Dale Turner: Trumpet, Trombone
Marc Mann: Keyboards, Samples
Doug Lacy" Accordion
Additional Musicians
Carl Graves: Background Vocals on "Lost Like This"
Cameron and Taylor Graves: Background Vocals on "Insanity"
Maxine and Julia Walters: Background Vocals on "Pedestrian Wolves"
Fred Seykora: Cello Solo On "Mary"